Unlock the Secrets of Time Travel - It's Free!
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Click on the GREEN BUTTON BELOW to access a series of seven FREE groundbreaking videos that prove time travel does not violate the laws of physics or mathematics.
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Unlock the Secrets of Time Travel - It's Free!
If you have not already, click on the red button below to access a series
of seven FREE groundbreaking videos that prove time travel
does not violate the laws of physics or mathematics.
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(Paid Membership)
Learn about time travel and Peter Moon's latest research and support it at the same time by becoming a DELUXE MEMBER (paid subscribership). You will have access to videos and podcasts, including Peter Moon's video series "Time Travel Theory Explained" including new videos on the Time Reactor (#8 includes the actual patent filed for the Time Reactor and #9 includes an explanarion of how the Time Reactor works). Also featured are two books currently in progess that Peter Moon is working on: (Stardust — An Initiation Into Time and L. Ron Hubbard — The Tao of Insanity). You are welcome to share your input and comment as the books are completed. You also will get full access to ALL BACK ISSUES of the Montauk Pulse newsletter (currently over 550 pages), plus you will have access to the quarterly newsletter as each is written. Plus more.
Click for Deluxe MembershipWhat is the Time Travel Education Center?
Is time travel possible?
How can I learn more?
Who is Dr. David Lewis Anderson, and how is he related to time travel?
Unlock the Secrets of Time Travel - It's Free!
Start Your Journey Today
Click on the button below to access a series of seven FREE groundbreaking videos
that prove time travel does not violate the laws of physics or mathematics.