The TIme Travel Education Center is a website dedicated to learning, understanding, and explaining the math, physics and psychology of time travel and all of its associated threads which include immortality as well as the full potential of the human being.  Sponsored by Sky Books, the Time Travel Education Center is based upon the writings and adventures of Peter Moon, author of over fifteen books.  Click on the following link to the Sky Books Book Store for descriptions of Peter Moon's books:  The Time Travel Education Center also includes insights on and sometimes contributions from the unique characters in his books, ranging from time scientists such as Dr. David Anderson and Preston Nichols to flamboyant occultists such as Jack Parsons, Marjorie Cameron, and L. Ron Hubbard. 

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There are two ways to become a PAID SUBSCRIBER to the Time Travel Education Center. The BEST VALUE is a yearly subscription for $89 ($7.50 per month) which amounts to a $67 discount from the regular price ($13.00 per month). Annual subscription

You can also subscribe on a monthly basis and discontinue at any time. In this case it is $13 a month.  Monthy subscription